I've been doing a lot of experimenting with new techniques lately, mostly on larger-scale blends. Here are the six that I like the most at least for now... ( because Laura told me to )
Not a huge update this time, but the last one was pretty big so I guess that makes up for it. Hopefully, I will have a bigger Charmed related update coming soon, just wanted to post these to get it out of the way before I forget.
Made these a few days ago but only just getting around to posting them now. I will probably have another update soon... with something other than graffics, so keep a lookout.
Finally my first entry! I am using this journal mostly for myself as a way to keep all my graphics together. I do appreciate comments and criticism (particularly the constructive kind). All graphics are snaggable unless otherwise stated. If you do decide to use some of my work I ask that you please credit me and do not direct link. Without further
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